How is CRM software best for a small startup, and are there any other options available

 a small business through its CRM module-

1. Organises your contacts

The first & foremost thing is your contacts. As the customer base of your business grows, you will need a system to organize the data in a manner that works for your benefit. With different Odoo apps made for CRM, the clean-cut outline of all your contacts will help you to run sales processes very smoothly.

2. Reports your sales

Odoo CRM helps you to have an overview of the sales performance by various metrics like calls made & deals booked. It is ideal to manage your pipeline.

3. Segments your customers

Sales teams and digital marketers are more about customer segmentation nowadays. Not only is it beneficial for personalization works, but also to break down the prospects into several groups such as location, deal size, and so on. Therefore, this segmentation provides your sales team with much more focus.

How is CRM software best for a small startup, and are there any other options available

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